Buy potentiometer at affordable price

A potentiometer is a manual-adjustable three-terminal variable resistor. Two terminals are connected to the ends of a resistive element, while the third terminal is connected to a wiper, which is a sliding contact that slides over the resistive element. The wiper's location determines the potentiometer's output voltage.

The potentiometer acts as a voltage divider that may be adjusted. The resistive element can be thought of as two resistors in series (potentiometer resistance), with the resistance ratio of the first resistor to the second resistor determined by the wiper position.
Potentiometers are frequently referred to as potmeters or pots. The single-turn rotary potmeter is the most popular type of potmeter. This sort of pot is employed in a variety of applications, including audio volume control (logarithmic taper). Potentiometers are made out of a variety of materials, including carbon composition, cermet, wire wound, conductive plastic and metal film.
Potentiometers come in a range of shapes and sizes. There are two types of rotary and linear movement in manually adjustable potentiometers. Electronically controlled potentiometers, often known as digital potentiometers, exist in addition to manually adjustable pots.
Potentiometer applications
Potentiometers are used in a wide range of industries for a variety of purposes. They can be used in Motorsport, Automotive, Medical, Agriculture, Entertainment, Transport, and Industrial,
If you are want to buy potentiometer at best price then you are at the right place.
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